Sunday, August 14, 2016

God Intended for Music to be Under Man's Supervision

God Intended for Music to be Under Man's Supervision

            It is possible that the beginnings of musical knowledge can be traced to Genesis 1:26 where Adam was commanded to “...have dominion (radah, 7287) over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth (erets, 776), and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.”  Also in verse twenty-eight he is admonished to “replenish (male 4390) the earth (776) and subdue (kabash, 3533) it.”  The words dominion (7287) and subdue (3533) used in Genesis 1:26 mean to *subjugate or to conquer.  The word earth (776) used in Genesis 1:26 is the broad term used for the world as opposed to the word earth (adamah, 127) used in Genesis 1:25 which means the soil.  Note that God not only put the soil under man’s supervision but also the erets i.e. the world around him and male i.e. presume influence over it.
              So, Adam was given the command to conquer and bring under his control the world around him which doubtlessly included music.  We know from Genesis 2:19-20 that Adam was given tremendous insight and knowledge.  Although these passages say absolutely nothing about music, it is possible that he also had unusual insight concerning music.

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