Thursday, August 4, 2016

Does God Call Music Teachers? Part 3

Does God Call Music Teachers? Part 3

 Earlier in this three post sequence we referred to Ephesians 4:11 and Romans 12:6-8.  It is interesting to note that this Scripture passage instructs Christians to keep doing what God gave them the gifts to accomplish.  The teacher is instructed to keep teaching i.e. “he that teacheth on teaching (didasko en didaskalia 1321 1722 1319).  It seems self-evident that God would not instruct teachers to keep on teaching unless He considers teaching to be a sacred trust i.e. a calling.

So, to answer the question “Does God call teachers?” the answer is definitely yes!  Since God calls teachers and instructs them to keep teaching, it only stands to reason that He calls Christian music teachers and instructs them to keep teaching music.  God not only calls music teachers but also beseeches them to present their bodies as a living teaching sacrifice. Also, according to Romans 11:29 teaching, for the called music teacher, is not an option, “For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.” The reason for this logical conclusion is that the Greek word ametameletos (278) translated “repentance” here in the AV means that when God bestows gifts and callings they are irrevocable.




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