There Is No Substitute for Knowing How To Music
part 2
Careful and thorough musical study make it possible to
present the God that we love and serve a quality musical offering. God is not impressed with our musical talent,
because He gave every musician the measure of musical ability with which that
musician presents his or her musical offerings to God. That being said, God is pleased when we
present to Him the best musical offering that we are capable of giving.
If a Christian
musician considers his or her musicing to be truly a “musical offering”, it
will help the student of music philosophy to study the sacrificial system as it
is explained in the Old Testament. When
one studies the sacrificial system of the Bible, it is clear He was pleased when
He was presented with the best offering that the worshiper was capable of
Although the Christian musician should always present the
blessed trinity his or her best offering, musical offerings are not exclusively
about quality performance. Philosophically, Christian musicians either believe
that their musicing in the context of worship is about performance or that it is
about an offering made unto a high and holy God. It is either an opportunity to display one’s
musical ability or it is an opportunity express lavish praise and worship unto
the God that he or she loves and worships.