Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Concerning Secular and Sacred Music part 4


Concerning Secular and Sacred Music part 4

Another confusing belief is that all of a Christian’s muscing should be elevated to a spiritual level.  When a Christian musician places all music and musicing under the nebulous category of being a sacred effort, and ipso facto sacred musicing that is offered as part that musician’s life of worshiping God.  This faulty paradigm of the whole of a Christian’s musicing makes any prescriptive approach to sacred music and musicing in corporate worship undefendable. 

With the philosophical view that all music and musicing in the life of a Christian is accomplished as spiritual music experiences comes the slippery philosophical slope of believing that, since all of a Christian’s musicing is philosophically “ a sacred act”. As a further result of this faulty thinking, all acts of musicing (sacred or secular) are a valuable concomitants to corporate and private worshiping of God. To avoid this error of judgment concerning the essential nature, value, meaning, and purpose of music and musicing, a Christian’s worldview of the whole of music and musicing, must, of necessity, distinguish philosophically between  sacred and secular.

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