Monday, January 10, 2022

Some Musicians Remind Me of Fancy Pigeons—part 5


Some Musicians Remind Me of Fancy Pigeons—part 5

          Some Christian musicians remind me of a type of fancy pigeon called an Oriental Frill. This type of Christian musician is a talented, faithful, ministering musicians but they sometimes do not make good musical parents.  They remind me of an Oriental Frill which has a very short beak that makes it hard to feed their young.  Because of this problem these pigeons often give up on nurturing their squabs (young).  Because of this attitude of impatience, their young often have to be nurtured by another kind of pigeon.  So, pigeon fanciers sometimes put their young in the nest of another kind or pigeon.

          The reason that so many children have to be taught musically by a surrogate musician who is not a born again Christian is because so many talented Christian musicians do not see the need of providing musical training for the “household of faith” (see Galatians 6:10).  Because of this lack of insight, many children and young people have to receive their musical training from applied music instructors who do not love and serve Jesus Christ.  Failing to “feed our own” musically is the malady of  some very talented Christian musicians who have a very short musical beak i.e. they are too busy or too impatient or too short sighted to feel the need to train the “household of faith” musically.  If Christian musicians, who resemble an Oriental Frill, because they have a short “musical beak”, would develop more selflessness, many of the severe problems concerning sacred music and musicing could be solved in one generation.


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