Friday, June 11, 2021

God Never Forgets His Ministering Musicians


God Never Forgets His Ministering Musicians


               Genesis 4:21 “And his brother's name was Jubal: he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ.” This verse has the distinction of being the first reference to music in the Holy writ.  Among those names most anciently mentioned in Scripture, Jubal is listed.  Not only is this musician’s name specified in the bible, but he is called by “ab” (01) which is the primitive Hebrew and Chaldean word for father, chief and principal person.

                Musician’s soar to the seventh heaven during their musicing unto God and plunge to the abyss of despair after church is over.  While reflecting on the service they only remember that the two main bass singers and the soprano soloist did not show up for morning service.  Furthermore, the tenors sang flat and hardly any one said “thank you “after church was over.

              Christian musicians, who are among the most visible of all God’s ministering servants, strangely suffer from loneliness and often feel forgotten by both God and man.  There are a host of reasons for these feelings of self-pity, none of which deserve to be discussed in this short devotional.  To state it simply it goes with the Job!  If you are a musician you will have highs and lows and these will happen much too often. 

One way of looking at it is that poor Jubal only got one tiny verse in all of the Old Testament.  However, you could look at it that his name and what he did was inscribed in the Book of Genesis.  Man would forget him, but God will not let us forget His musician.  Not only do we remember Jubal as a musician, but as the “father” of musicians.  If you are a musician and you are reading this devotional, I do not need to draw you a picture.  You know what I mean.  God has not forgotten you.  Buck up.  God loves you and He remembers all your service to Him.

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