Tuesday, October 16, 2018

usical Sound Communicates Meaning- Part 4

Musical Sound Communicates Meaning- Part 4

            I know that I am a lonely philosophical voice crying in the twenty-first century “wilderness”.  However, I have this Scripture, and more, to back up my philosophical hypothesis that the formal properties of every piece of music do have the potential to affect the whole-life of the performer and the auditor. Therefore, I believe it is philosophically and morally dangerous for a person to fill his or her mind with the formal properties of a piece of music without having a thorough understanding of what this music genre is capable of doing to the whole life of an individual.

            We are constantly warned that we should not eat anything without having knowledge of what it has the potential to do to our body, because there is such a strong belief that “we are what we eat”.  I contend that we are not only “what we eat” but also “what we listen to and perform musically”. Since sound communicates meaning, Christian musicians have the responsibility to be aware of how sound affects their “whole life”.  

Thought for the Day

For centuries Christian musicians very carefully made church music choices based on the philosophical concepts of sacred vs. profane music.  Somewhere in the twentieth century profane music disappeared in the minds of some Christian musicians.

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