Can a Song be too Creative?—part 1
speaking of a song that is a commercial, Bennett Reimer, in his A Philosophy of Music Education (p.48)
stated, “If the song were so interesting aesthetically that people forgot the
product in their enjoyment of the purely music qualities of the commercial (a
rather likely occurrence), the song-writer could justifiably be accused of
being “too creative.” Ministers of music
universally claim to be extoling Christ with their music and musicing. They claim to be bragging on Jesus not
hocking their musical wares in front of an audience who came to church to
worship God.
believe that our worship music is truly extolling God for who He is, what he
has done, and what he desires to do for those who love and serve Hi, I believe
that this music is analogous to a music commercial. So, I believe that Christian music can be so
creative that the message sent to a worshiping body of believers is about the
music and the musicer rather than about the God whom we love and serve.
for the Day
Somewhere between the music part of church music that is
so trite that it bores us all musically and music that is so wild and cluttered
that it obscures the message of the text is sacred music that provides a
quality support and representation of the moral nature of the God we are
supposed to be worshiping.
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