Monday, October 2, 2017

Secular Music Comes under Christ’s Lordship-part 1

Secular Music Comes under Christ’s Lordship-part 1

            A Christian musician’s responsibility doesn’t end with sacred music but it also extends to secular music.  It does not seem to occur to some Christians that the whole of music must come under the Lordship of Christ.  Perhaps we should define “secular” as that which pertains to temporal matters rather than with religion.  So, secular music is music that is not religious in nature.  Sacred music is that which is hallowed by religious association and also meets the requirements of being a proper concomitant to the purposes of worshiping a high and holy God. Mere association with worship or having religious words does not automatically qualify a type of music as being sacred music.         Secular music that is anti-Christ, blasphemous, irreverent, or risqué does not belong in the life of the Christian.  However, music that is not religious but is clean and wholesome in nature does belong in the life of a Christian.  Secular music that is concerned with life in general is many times of a wholesome nature.  If it is of a morally sound nature it is amenable to the Lordship of Christ.  Christians may include all music that passes the tests and conditions of Christ-centered living.  It doesn’t take much wisdom to immediately exclude some secular music, but at other times the decision is not as easy to make.

Thought for the Day

A Christian’s music philosophy must deal with nature and value of the whole of music—both religious and secular.

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